Day 6: A Visit to the Walk-In Clinic and Auntie Marianne and the Cousins Arrive
Dominic has been fighting a cold and sore ears for over a week. Today is the day we investigate by heading out to the walk-in clinic. 'It is not perforated, just bulging'. Nice. Hopefully, he will be on the mend soon.
I enjoyed a delightful walk around the estuary in the morning stillness. The heron was not impressed that I was out and about and showed its displeasure with a few loud squawks as it flew away.
My sister Marianne and her two youngest sons arrived today from Victoria (about 1 hour south).
The Living Forest Cafe was a big hit with all four boys as it has Shaw Go wifi and free camp wifi. This camp cafe supports 4 charities with the profits. Customers can vote by dropping a coffee bean down one of the four tubes that represent each cause. Reasonable prices and profits to charity we will be back for ice cream I'm sure. . . .
Today's office. |
Aunty Marianne is here! |
A present for super-fan, Alex. Thanks! |
Day 7: What a Lazy Day!
A typical day at camp. Coffee, a trail walk, lounging at the cafe, roasting hot dogs and S'mores over the fire. Campfire in a can is working like a charm!
My Dad has returned safely in the Lady Jayne to Pender Harbour after many delays. His journey went from no wind to too much wind and back again many times. Finally, he had to drop grandson Andrew off in Gibsons to bus back to Vancouver to catch his flight. Yesterday, Dad was able to single handedly sail from Gibsons to Pender Harbour. Conditions ranged from beautiful breeze from behind to no wind to gale force winds bringing him around Francis Peninsula trapped under full-sail and moving at well over 8 knots (that is too much!). We were relieved to get his e-mail that he was home safely.
A little bit of work . . .. |
No smoked salmon for you! |
Domo is perking up! |
Dominic took his mini-bike along and has been riding with his knees around his ears. |
Helping Jordan with his dishes. |
We are pleased to receive an e-mail with Grandpa's first selfie showing him home safely in Pender Harbour. |
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