Thursday 25 June 2015

Day 5: Loons, Beavers and Big People in Small boats

The fishing is good off the shores of Hotel Lake if you are a diving bird.

The three resident loons are regularly seen bobbing and diving close to shore immediately in front of our campsite.  What a pleasure to view these magnificently painted creatures. 

Mark may not be here to entertain us with his sailing heroics but not to worry - Micha is filling that role.  Today he tried to sail the Puffin II.  Hmm, maybe big people and small boats are just not a match. 

We enjoyed another dinner at La Verne's - yum.  This was followed by a great game of Quibbler back at the cabin.  We had to think of Auntie Biny who loved to play games and was a wizard with words.

Just before calling it a night Mr. Beaver dropped by for a late night lily pad snack. 

All is well - loons and beavers. 

Dominic and Grandpa - two peas in a pod. 

La Verne's for fish and chips. 


Well hello, Mr. Beaver!

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